Monday, December 13, 2010

Tips for the Search Engine Battlefield

The never ending search engine war

Everyday new things happen in the world and the internet is the first to know.  How this content gets distributed is based on it's influence on any given search engine.  

Why do people use search engines SO much?

People rely on what is handy and the social norm.  The term "google it" is a perfect example of how the web is changing the world around us.  People know they can get the information they seek (uncensored) quickly and without much effort.

Like anything that helps you as much as search engines do, it also makes you lazy.  

I'm lazy.  

I know how things work, but I'm a lazy man.  Once you master the fundamentals of search engines and really understand how they work and get their information you can learn to become a lazy person too.  The web creates an amazing new market with ideas being influenced and thought of on a daily basis. 

So, the big question, how do I get to the top of Google search rankings?

That is the million dollar question.  This holiday season it actually became a billion dollar question.  Black Friday online sales surpassed ONE BILLION DOLLARS up nearly 20% from 2009.  That's insane!  

I rode the wave of holiday traffic this year at the top of every search engine, including Youtube (it's the #2 site in the US).

How?  I started in May of 2010 setting the bait.  Lots and lots of link bait means more doors to your products.  Everyone knows in old school marketing the more flyers you give to a targeted audience the more sales you will have.  This is what search engine marketing is all about for small business owners.  People love small business that are presented well online and in person.

NEXT POST:  Get more fundamental concepts behind using link bait constantly to add to your overall scope of marketing online.  

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